This section will be regularly changed to ensure it provides lots of advise on Internet/gaming safety and provides you with a wealth of apps that will benefit your children’s well-being and development as they move through their Early Years.


Oniline Safety Tips for Parents of Pre-school children

Lots of the guidance will come from - Pre-school (0-5) online safety advice | Internet Matters

The following link has been highlighted by a student studying online safety that found our links useful and wanted to share one with us. This article covers students from Primary (elementary) to secondary level education.


Click here - CBeebies Storytime

Monkey Lunchbox (2-3 year old maths based app) › app › monkey-preschool-lunch

Monkey Maths (3-5 year old maths based app)>app>monkey-maths


Keeping children safe, feeling secure and happy is our top priority at Pebbles.  Even though we are a small setting, our staff are trained to a level higher than the statutory requirement in Safeguarding. We all hold a relevant certificate in  the prevent duty, food and hygiene and First Aid Paediatric and we have two designated leads for safeguarding.

Our responsibility to keeping children safe does not stop as they walk out of the Pebbles door, we teach the children road safety, we ensure we follow safe use of ICT and encourage parents to do the same (see ICT advice and safety session). 

We are vigilant and respond to changes we see in the children’s behaviour or issues that concern us by having open and honest conversations with the parents.  We also know the route we need to take if we are concerned about a child.

These links provide you with numbers/websites you can contact is you have any concerns about a child, any child AS KEEPING CHILDREN SAFE FROM HARM IS EVERYBODY’S RESPONSIBILITY.


If you have growing concerns, you can find numbers and advice on the following links:

Essex -

Suffolk -

If you have concerns that your child has come to harm within Pebbles and you have not had a satisfactory response from the manager or committee, you should contact Ofsted on 0300 123 1231. More information on reporting to Ofsted can be provided by Pebbles, if required.


Being a parent is the hardest job in the world and there are times when we all need some help.  We are always here to give you support and please feel free to email myself or your child's key person at anytime or ring during Pebbles hours.  We are aware that getting a chance to talk at the setting is not always possible, but we are always happy to talk with you and we can arrange this by phone or email. 

However, we are not experts in every area as much as we would love to be.  Therefore, both Suffolk and Essex County Council have a duty to provide support to families and children it a huge number of different circumstances.  The links below are good starting points for finding help.  If they do not provide a service that meets your needs, please come back to us and we will do our upmost to find support for you and your family.

Essex - HCRG Care Group - Family Hub
From this page click on the the four lines (menu button) top right and select Services where you can choose from the list of areas.  Family support is a good place to start.

Essex - Effective Support Directory

This link takes you to the ‘Future of Essex’ site – Effective support Directory – This area of Essex comes under MID.  This site provides a large list of organisations and charities that provide support to anyone living in Essex so includes support provisions for children, but it is not exclusively related to them, it’s for adults that need support too. 

Suffolk - The Parent Hub

Clicking on the 'Parenting Programmes’ link takes you to a diary of events that you can click on to find more information

Local offer for Children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)

The aim of this document is to enable families to see the support that they would receive for their child within our setting. It will provide clear information about what we already have in place to enable all children to reach their full potential, as well as reassure you that we value each child as being unique and endeavour to meet their individual needs. We are an inclusive setting with a wealth of experience in supporting and promoting children’s needs, learning and development.

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