***I am great at listening….***
Mason - All of the teacher were so impressed with how will you have listened during talk boost and you have sat so beautifully on the bug rug showing you are listening to the grown-ups and your friends, well done!
Arayah and Finley - You got better and better at listening during talk boost as the week went on and Ruby thought you were both brilliant on Friday.
Dear Parents,
We have had a lovely dinosaur week. Thank you to all the parents that sent their child in with something dinosaur related items. It was lovely for them to show their costumes (Brody was a very smiley dinosaur), toys and books with the other children.
As the photos show there have been involved in dinosaurs related activities everywhere. We even found dinosaur footprints on our Wednesday walk! The swamp was very messy which meant the children gave the dinosaurs a nice bubble bath - it reminded me of 'Harry and his bucketful of Dinosaur'. We have read lots of these books this week. We also did lots of dinosaur sorting, ensuring the younger children understand the concept of big and little and introducing the older children to carnivores and herbivores - a concept they picked up very well, although remembering the words was a little tricker!
It was lovely to see the children making biscuits and Mandy teaching them how to rub the butter and flour together for the shortbread. We introduced the dinosaur stomp in P.E. and had a few more goes at it throughout the week.
We will continues with our dinosaur theme next week and will continue stomping. Fergus and Casper decided they wanted to make dinosaur masks for our craft activity and we will be adding a science element to the week by creating a volcano. Lots of predicting what two items combined will make the best explosion! It would be lovely to see more dinosaur items from home next week as showing them really does develop the children's confidence when talking in front of others.
The Pebbles team.
St Andrew's C of E Primary School
Church Road
CO10 7EH