***I have had a brilliant week….***
Aniyah - You are now so settled at Pebbles and this was shown through your act of kindness. You gave your cat (which normally doesn't leave your side) to Mollie on her first day. It was such a kind thing to do and we were so proud of you.
Ambrose - You have had a great week - eating so well, following instructions the first time and being the first to carry out Pebbles routines without being told by a grow-up. BRILLIANT
Bodhi - You have had a fantastic week - also eating well (two empty school dinner plates),playing nicely with your friends and showing us you have amazing manner, well done Bodhi, keep it up!
Dear Parents,
As the photos show we have spent lots of time outside this week. A new bottle of bubbles have been purchased to entertain the children out in the play area. We got the children suited and booted (no mean feat) to play in the garden, go to the forest school site, out on a walk and on the school playing field.
We have been very active: chasing Ruby during our walk; running to different coloured cones during indoor P.E.; helping us to recognition and name colours and playing follow the leader during our outdoor P.E. session. We made a great bonfire at the Forest School site, working together brilliantly to create a big bonfire to keep us warm!
Our main focus for this week has been colour mixing. The older children should know which primary colours are mixed together to make orange, green, purple and brown. Just for Luella we also mixed red and white as she wanted pink.
Our theme for next week is based on a question in the question and answer book Jane bought us. It explained that the shape of a boat is what makes it float, so we will be making our own boats hoping they continue to float when we put play people in them, as well as learning which materials and shapes float and sink.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend,
The Pebbles team.
St Andrew's C of E Primary School
Church Road
CO10 7EH