***I have am settled and independent….***
River - You have made a brilliant start to Pebbles, quickly following our routines and using the toilet and washing your hands independently, well done.
Mollie - We are so impressed with how well you have settled in to Pebbles during your second week and that you will sit on your potty so quickly after starting with us!
Casper - You are now very much toilet trained, I think you have only had one accident and you just take yourself off to the toilet when you need to go, all of the teachers are very impressed!
Dear Parents,
It's mainly been about boats and trains this week. The children made 3D boats out of junk modelling as well as 2D boats out of card shapes. We had a go at the sailing the 3D boats, adding some play people and after a few failed attemps we worked out the masks and sails made the boats topple over, once removed we had far fewer Titanic moments!
You would think we planned the new trains to arrive in the same week as we were making boats but it was pure coincidence, at the request of Brody for more engines last week. The children and Rebecca had great fun building a fully linked train track with the new bridges. Rebecca did let the children have all the new trains though. Building the track was as much fun as she could take.
Another cold walk this week, but as we were all wrapped up we had a lovely time seeing the horses, going back to check our bonfire was still there and when we did so spotting the first signs of Spring - how exciting!!
Next week we will be learning about space, doing some planet identification (as they are all in line at the moment). Information gained from our astronomer - Stevie. Our junk modelling will therefore focus on rockets, we will make the climbing frame into space, covering it in blankets and placing our moon rocks inside (letter stones that glow in the dark). Finally, the playdough will be black and sparkly to represent space and our small world space set will help the children to name other items that are in space.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend,
The Pebbles team.
St Andrew's C of E Primary School
Church Road
CO10 7EH